Roaming the Tour du Tanargue

GR® de Pays Tour du Tanargue

Following in the footsteps of shepherds and their flocks, this 62-kilometre route starting from Largentière will plunge you into the heart of a wild massif with Mediterranean influences. The Tanargue is a mythical massif with Mediterranean influences that is part of the Regional Natural Park of the Monts d'Ardèche. The origin of the name Tanargue dates back to Celtic times; Taranis, god of the sky and thunder manifested violently on the mountain "Arga". The Tanargue thus designates the mountain of thunder.

You will be immersed in a formidable reservoir of biodiversity and a wide variety of landscapes: beech forests, fir forests, peat bogs, moors, meadows... a rich and wild environment. On the GR® de Pays Tour du Tanargue, you will walk most of the route on the ridges above 1000 meters in altitude thus dominating the three valleys of Borne, Beaume and Lignon. You will take the mule tracks and transhumance trails of this territory shaped by agropastoralism.

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From hike to plate

Take an outdoor activity such as hiking, combine it with a moment of conviviality in a Bistrot de Pays to enjoy a meal concocted with local products and you get From the hike to the plate, in a few steps!

4 villages - 4 bistros - 4 hikes

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