Saint Eugène Hermitage
Point de vue sur le Chassezac
Point de vue sur le Chassezac - M.Dupont

Saint Eugène Hermitage

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The Bois de Païolive is nicknamed “le bois des fados” or “fairy wood” because people’s imaginations enjoy endlessly interpreting this rocky blockfield. boulder field. 

The hike is dotted with oak trees, spectacularly shaped rocks and passages along the ledge overlooking the Chassezac Gorge. You’ll pass close to the Saint-Eugène hermitage perched on the cliff.


  1.  Poteau Les Clairières car park- Follow Les 3 seigneurs 0,2 km (blue signs).
  2. Poteau Les 3 Seigneurs - Follow St Eugène 0,9 km (GR).
  3. Poteau St Eugène - Follow Ermitage St Eugène 0,8 km (blue signs).
  4. Poteau Ermitage St Eugène - Make a detour to enjoy the view of the Chassezac Gorges. Follow la Gleysasse 1,1 km.
  5. Poteau La Gleysasse - Follow Les 3 Seigneurs 1,2 km (GR) to return to Les Clairières car park.
  • Departure : Les Clairières car park, Berrias-et-Casteljau
  • Arrival : Les Clairières car park, Berrias-et-Casteljau
  • Towns crossed : BERRIAS-ET-CASTELJAU and LES VANS


Altimetric profile


This so-called “easy” circuit is nevertheless stony, and sometimes steep and slippery after rain. You’ll need a good pair of walking shoes.
Please stay on the marked paths to protect this fragile environment that’s been classified as an ecological site by the European network Natura 2000, and a Sensitive Natural Area.

Information desks

Office de tourisme des Cévennes d'Ardèche

Joyeuse/Les Vans (0)4 75 37 24 48


Let us limit travel by car, think of public transport and carpooling. All public transport on transports-region-auvergne-rhone-alpes

Access and parking

From Vans (4 km), take the D901 towards Alès. Continue to the left on the D252 and reach the Estong car park.
From Joyeuse (18 km), take the D104 towards Alès. Continue on the D252, to the right, to reach the Estong car park.