Les gorges de La Beaume
Ruisseau à Rocles
Ruisseau à Rocles - SPL Cévennes d'Ardèche

Les gorges de La Beaume

Fauna - Flora
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This trail along the upper Beaume alternates between flat areas with a lot of vegetation and barren, rocky landscapes. The intensity of the occasional floods and high water levels and the valley’s steep slopes limit the vegetation’s growth on the banks that are put to the test by the water’s power. However, otters and beavers inhabit this apparently desolate landscape.

La Beaume rises in Loubaresse and makes its way through the hard granite of the Tanargue before crossing the soft limestone of the Gras plateau and flowing into the Ardèche River at Ruoms.


P – Cross the Pont du Gua bridge and take the road left for 100m. The trail begins on the edge of the road to the right and follows the Tour du Tanargue (GRP) GRP.

  1. Poteau Colobrouze - Follow La Roche 5,6 km. The trail climbs in steep zig zags to La Roche.
  2. Poteau La Roche - Follow Rocles 9,4 km. On the road, turn right, then a little further on, on a bend, continue on the road to the left towards Vaneyre. Continue on the trail to Peytot.
  3. Poteau Peytot - Follow Rocles 7,1 km. On the road, turn right; a little further on, continue on the path on the right. Cross the road and go down to La Parot.
  4. Poteau La Parot - Follow Rocles 5,4 km. Cross the bridge and on the road, turn right; after the houses, the path goes left to Entrée de Champussac.
  5. Poteau Entrée de Champussac - Follow Rocles 4,3 km. Go down to the road on your right. Cross the bridge and take the path on the left that goes up to Sur le Sauze.
  6. Poteau Sur le Sauze - Follow Beaumont 9,7 km. Continue along the path to Croix de la Marre.
  7. Poteau Croix de la Marre - Follow Beaumont 8,8 km. Continue along the road, and a little further along, take the path on your left. On the road, turn left towards the Tour de Brison to Loup du Perrier.
  8. Poteau Loup du Perrier - Follow Beaumont 7,5 km. Stay on the road and then take the first track on the right to Collet de la Berle.
  9. Poteau Collet de la Berle - Follow Beaumont 7 km. Continue along the Tour du Tanargue (GRP) GRP down towards St Pierre de Malet.
  10. Poteau St Pierre de Malet - Follow Beaumont 5,5 km. Go down to the road then cross the Pont du Gua bridge to reach your starting point.


  • Departure : Le Pont du Gua, Beaumont
  • Arrival : Le Pont du Gua, Beaumont
  • Towns crossed : SANILHAC, ROCLES, and BEAUMONT


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Office de tourisme des Cévennes d'Ardèche

Joyeuse/Les Vans

https://www.cevennes-ardeche.com/contact@cevennes-ardeche.com+33 (0)4 75 37 24 48


Let us limit travel by car, think of public transport and carpooling. All public transport on transports-region-auvergne-rhone-alpes

Access and parking

From Les Vans (30 km) join Joyeuse (13 km) and continue on the D203 towards Valgorge until the Pont du Gua.