Beaume Drobie red trail
Beaume Drobie red trail

Beaume Drobie red trail

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As well as exploring the La Beaume Valley and the Prataubérat, this red trail takes you across part of the Tanargue Massif.
This demanding trail that climbs to 1,440m above sea level is only for fit and experienced trail runners. It passes through Loubaresse, the Ardeche’s highest village at an altitude of 1,240m.  You’ll need between 3-and-a-half and 5 hours to complete this trail.


P – From the car park, follow the trail signs Trail .
For this circuit, follow the red dots (32) all along the trail.
  • Departure : Salle de la Pourette, Valgorge
  • Arrival : Salle de la Pourette, Valgorge
  • Towns crossed : VALGORGE, LOUBARESSE, and BORNE

Altimetric profile


You can get water from the village of Loubaresse. 
Be careful towards the end of this trail – some Alpine-type sections can be very technical.

Information desks

Office de tourisme des Cévennes d'Ardèche

Joyeuse/Les Vans

+33 (0)4 75 37 24 48


Let's limit car travel, think about public transport and carpooling. All public transport on transports-region-auvergne-rhone-alpes

Access and parking

From Les Vans (38 km) reach Joyeuse (24 km) and follow the D203 towards Valgorge.

Parking :

Salle de la Pourette, Valgorge