Mountain biking around les Vans : Circuit 8 (Les Assions)
VTT dans le Pays des Vans
VTT dans le Pays des Vans - D. Portal

Mountain biking around les Vans : Circuit 8 (Les Assions)

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A fantastic circuit through vineyards, olive groves and chestnut forests.

This moderately difficult loop begins with a beautiful “calade” or stone path to the hamlet of Les Salles, part of Payzac. On the outskirts of Payzac, you’ll enter the chestnut groves after taking a stretch of tarmac road to the hamlet of Brès. Continue through the hamlet of Champmajour. From the D250, head towards the hamlets of Les Bancs and Montchamp. A hilly track takes you back to your starting point.


  1. Poteau Les Assions Chef-lieu - Follow VTT Fude 2km
  2. Poteau Follow VTT Fude 1,9km
  3.  Poteau Then continue VTT towards Fude 1,8km
  4. Poteau Follow VTT Fude 0,2km
  5. Poteau Fude - FollowVTTLes Salles 1,4km
  6. Poteau Brès - FollowVTT La Mérigue 1,7km
  7. Poteau La Mérigue - Follow VTT Les Chanels 1km
  8. Poteau Les Chanels - Follow VTT Champmajour 3km
  9. Poteau Champmajour - Follow VTT Les Bans 2,6km
  10. Poteau Les Bans - Follow VTT Bernardy 1,8km
  11. Poteau Les Bans - Follow VTT Bernardy 1,6km
  12. Poteau Bernardy - Follow VTTPéjural  3,3km
  • Departure : Village square, Les Assions
  • Arrival : Village square, Les Assions
  • Towns crossed : LES ASSIONS, PAYZAC, and CHAMBONAS


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Office de tourisme des Cévennes d'Ardèche

Joyeuse/Les Vans (0)4 75 37 24 48


Let us limit travel by car, think of public transport and carpooling. All public transport on transports-region-auvergne-rhone-alpes

Access and parking

From Les Vans (5 km) take the D104a and turn off at Les Assions. From Joyeuse (12 km), direction Les Vans by the D104a, turn to go up to Les Assions.

Parking :

Village square, Les Assions