Northern wash houses, Saint Paul le Jeune
Les lavoirs, St-Paul-le-Jeune
Les lavoirs, St-Paul-le-Jeune - B.Zimmerman

Northern wash houses, Saint Paul le Jeune

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You’ll discover our ancestors’ ingenuity in making use of the spring and stream water, so precious in the Cévennes d'Ardèche. This trail is dotted with fountains, wash houses and other small water courses skilfully laid out to irrigate the many gardens.

This easy stroll is perfect for the whole family and will delight all those of you passionate about old stones and ancestral skills. The covered wash house in the hamlet of Gadilhe, nestled in a small, welcoming clearing, is still in perfect condition.


P – From the car park, go to the signpost St-Paul-le-Jeune Place de la Gare.

  1. Poteau St-Paul-le-Jeune - Follow Le Tomple 0,8 km (green signs).
  2. Poteau Le Tomple - Follow Les Sagnes 0,1 km.
  3. Poteau Les Sagnes - Follow Les Rousses 2,1 km.
  4. Poteau Les Rousses - Follow Mentaresse 0,8 km.
  5. Poteau Mentaresse - Follow La Coste 1,1 km.
  6. Poteau La Coste - Follow St-Paul-le-Jeune Place de la Gare 0,5 km.
  • Departure : Place de la Gare (tennis court), Saint-Paul-le-Jeune
  • Arrival : Place de la Gare (tennis court), Saint-Paul-le-Jeune
  • Towns crossed : SAINT-PAUL-LE-JEUNE


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Office de tourisme des Cévennes d'Ardèche

Joyeuse/Les Vans (0)4 75 37 24 48


Let us limit travel by car, think of public transport and carpooling. All public transport on transports-region-auvergne-rhone-alpes

Access and parking

From Les Vans (11 km) take the D901 towards Alès.
From Joyeuse (20 km) take the D104 towards Alès.

Parking :

Place de la Gare (tennis court), Saint-Paul-le-Jeune